Forest Management Plans

New Landowner’s Plan:

Service designed specifically for new landowners. 

Includes a meeting on your property to educate you on your forest to discuss forest health, current forest values and future forest values, wildlife habitat, recreation, assess potential wildfire risks, government cost share programs and answer your questions about your land. 

Includes a written plan for qualification in local land use taxation programs.  Can include boundary line marking of established property lines where surveys are available and physical evidence can be found in the woods. 

Forest Stewardship Plan/CAP 106 Management Plan

The most commonly used forest management plan is a Forest Stewardship Management Plan (FSMP).  It is a comprehensive plan that is generally required for riparian buffer tax credit applications and conservation easement properties. 

The Natural Resource Conservation Service, (NRCS) also provides cost share for CAP 106 Forest Management Plans.  A CAP 106 forest management plan is essentially a a FSMP, but it is beneficial in applying for federal government programs that encourage management activities such as creating/enhancing wildlife habitat, facilitating oak regeneration and planting diminished species such as shortleaf pine or longleaf pine.

I always like to use the old carpenter’s adage, “Measure Twice, Cut Once”.  When harvesting timber, your forest management plan is your key to success.  It takes 40 to 80 years to grow a mature forest but only a fraction of that time to cut it down.  Poor management decisions can take decades to correct.  I have frequently walked through timber stands where poor decisions over 20 years ago are creating problems today.  Never harvest timber without planning for regeneration and having a long term plan.

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