Unthinned 20 year Old Loblolly Pine Thinned 20 year old Loblolly Pine Prescribed burning 24 year old loblolly pine for wildlife
Dowdy’s Forest is our personal retirement plan. We began our land investment as a way to diversify our portfolio and save for retirement while enjoying our property. It seemed like a much better option than just receiving quarterly statements in the mail. We began in 2002 with a 23 acre parcel where we were engaged, married and built our retirement home. Since 2002, we have acquired around 450 acres of forestland. Although our land is managed as a portion of our retirement plan we have included substantial investments into wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities that we enjoy every day.
Since 2017, we have been enrolled in a USDA CSP Program to assist us in creating wildlife habitat and improving our forest management. Currently, many of these practices are in effect and available for you to see upon visiting Dowdy’s Forest.
Examples of available demonstrations include: loblolly pine thinning to promote diversity for hardwood regeneration and early successional habitat, prescribed fire/fire lines, wildlife clearings, shortleaf pine plantations, shooting range and recreational trails.
Coming soon: pollinator habitat and hardwood initiative practices.
I call our property a Forester’s Playground because it is where I find my peace. I love to create wildlife habitat and get creative with my management. I plant trees because I love to watch them grow!!!
A forest is a living breathing ecosystem, dynamic in nature. Because the forest is ever growing and changing, my management is never complete. I always have new ideas to try.
Before Picture of Daylighted Log Haul Road After Picture of road with wildlife habitat improvements Firelines and recreational trails